Our Store
Cox Home Center is located on the old property of Ramseur Building Supply. The original business was founded in 1951 by WM Cox. In 1952, the business was joined by his son William Cox and son in law WE Pate. The business was a major construction center during most of the 50’s until the mid 70’s. During its hayday, the company employed over 65 people. They operated 6 separate carpentry crews and built homes over a 5 county area. Mr. Cox bought large tracs of timber and operated a sawmill. Lumber was cut, dried and processed into building products. In the late 70’s the business changed with the advent of lumber grading standards. Their sawmill and lumber dressing operations were sold and the company concentrated on the basic building supply operations.
When WE Pate passed away, the old building supply property was purchased by WT Cox. In 2003, The business was renovated and a several new buildings erected. Today, Cox Home Center and Zack White Leather are both operations owned by the parent company of Leather and Brass. Our hardware is now a Pro Hardware dealer and a franchise dealer for Farm Mart. With a new focus, new look and new products, CHC is proud to be a central part of the Ramseur community. We look forward to serving you.